Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Living in Bangkok, the capital city of Thailand, has its many perks, but sometimes I don't feel like a "missionary"? When you hear of stories from missionaries, you think of people who are out "roughing it" in the middle of a jungle somewhere. They tell of their only source of water coming from a stream that you have to boil in order to drink, they take baths in the river, and sleep on a dirt floor. But, is this kind of story or scene really what it takes in order to be a missionary? I have found out differently. I thought that you needed to be in the middle of nowhere to reach others that have never heard of Jesus. Take a closer look at your neighbor, or boss, or even that old homeless man that walks the streets. Have they heard about Jesus?I have learned to get my facts straight about "mission work". It doesn't take someone to go half way across the world just to tell someone about Jesus. All it takes is one person to stand up for Him.

Here in Bangkok I have running water, a comfortable bed to sleep in, and even though I have no Air-con I have learned that it is a privilage or even a luxury that I have learned to go without. There are many shopping markets, seven-elevens, and cinemas that have made life here as close to home as you can get. But at the end of the day I still have to remember.. Have I shared Jesus with someone today? When someone looks at me do they see something different? Do they see Jesus in me?

Most of my students at my school are Buddhist. It has been quite a challenge trying to tell them about my religion and weasling in my beliefs and sharing my Jesus with them. It seems everyone has one focus.. and that is to learn English. Some are disinterested and some just don't understand. I have often wondered what my purpose is here? Am I doing His Will? Or am I getting lost in the daily to-do lists and latest news stories. I often wonder what it would have been like if I had no internet. Would I be more prone to get involved more? Would I spend the time I spend delving into my bible instead?

God puts trials into a person's life for a purpose. Each trial and tribulation is a character building experience. I begin and end my day with Jesus, asking Him just to reveal my purpose for that day and that He will use me to His Will. I also pray that God will use me as His vessel and just speak through me. Sometimes I feel like Moses and just need someone there to talk for me. Through every class I never feel alone, I just feel that Jesus is guiding my words and speaking through me.

If all is said and done, and no one learns anything from me being here I will still be rejoicing. Cause if anything Jesus has changed my life for the better! I am more comfortable talking about Him out loud and to anyone?! I love to encourage others and tell them about what new verse I have found or what I learned in church that week. Everyday I am growing closer and closer to Jesus. Relying on Him and learning to put all my trust into Him everyday has been a humbling experience. I can see that God still has a lot for me to learn, and I look forward to it everyday. If anything that is what is keeping me going, that fire for Christ.