Friday, February 20, 2009

Ok so you know it's hot when...

It is the season of heat! Thailand has exactly three seasons... Hot, hotter, then REALLY hot! The thing that makes this country so unbearable during this time is the high percentage of humidity. I really don't remember what it feels like to NOT sweat during any given day. And what makes it worse is the fact that we aren't even in the hottest part of it! During the months of March and April it becomes the hottest parts of the year getting close to over 40 degress Celcius!

So you know it's hot when:

You start to get used to the perspiration on your upper lip.
You strip and lay still but the feeling of heat is still upon you.
Just when you think you start to feel cool you realize thats the sweat cooling from the wind.
Once you get into the air-con you freeze, but without it you burn up.
When the fan no longer does justice.
When the air-con no longer does justice, but that 10 minute bliss that it is on.
You wake up in the middle of the night with night sweats.
When you have to go to sleep with a cool towel from the freezer on your forehead.
When you get into the shower to cool off but as soon as you get out the sweat begins to form again.
When your deoderant lasts but 30 mintutes.
When your walking only 5 minutes to school and you melt.
Your only destination is "Point A aircon- Point B aircon".
You dread to go back to your apartment thinking that its not going to be too bad but yet not prove yourself wrong by walking into a sauna.
When your drink condensates all its coolness in 1 minute.
When you have to sip your popsicle off the stick becuase its melting so fast.
You know its too hot when 80 degrees feels somewhat comfortable...

Ah good ole Thailand hot, humid, sunny.