Saturday, August 23, 2008

Living Large!

The phrase living large in today's understanding is having the mansion, exotic cars, and having expensive things. In a Christian's perspective living large is living for God! When we choose to live for God all the material things don't even add up to the abundance of life and opportunites God will put in your way. Today we got to experience a little of the abundance of living large for God.

It was the Language School's Spritual Retreat and what better way to be one with God by going to the beach! We went to the Rayon beach that is about 2 hours from our place in Bangkok. So to get a full day's worth we left at 6:30 AM to make our way to the water.

After making a few caffeine stops and taking long naps to energize us for the day we finally made it to the beach. I was extatic! As soon as I set foot out of our van my notrils were instantly hit with the fresh breeze of the warm salty air. This was probably the freshest air I had breathed in a while and I took in every breathe with sheer thankfulness. Then we all ran down to the beach to get a better look at the view. It was amazing! There were fun little food stands lining all along the base of the sand and beach chairs and umbrellas were everywhere to lounge upon. As soon as I saw the water I had to go put my feet in! and to my surprise... It was warm?! A perfect temperature to swim in. I knew this was going to be a great day.

We all gathered together and began to walk down the beach to a clearing that was surrounded by huge boulders and rocks that sat in the crashing waters. Trying not to step on the millions of tiny crabs that had made holes in the ground we made our way to the first area for our meeting. Pastor Williams began talking to us about "Living Large" and what we all thought it meant to us. He explained that WE are living it!? We are right in the opportunity of God and are being used according to His plan. Missions is living large for God. And what is the difference between Joy and Happiness? To me I said that joy was an all body feeling and true sense of pure delight and excitement. Joy is something that is long term and stays with you everytime you do something. Happiness is temporary. Its a moment of laughter or emotion when something great has been done. Living Large should bring one joy. The long term effect of loving God.

After the meeting we took pictures on the surrounding rocks that faced the Sea. And began climbing on the rocks to see what kind of interesting picture we could get. Then we went back to the lounge chairs with out stuff and got ready to embrace the water! It was salty, wet, and tons of fun as Mike, Leah, Erin and I had fun laughing, diving, and body surfing the waves.

After lunch and taking a rest we went back to the clearing for our second meeting of the day. This time we talked about commitment. What does it mean to give up? Its when you have lost all faith and you don't want to try anymore. You have lost hope in something. Being commited is a faith and hope understanding. Where you are dedicated to the task or given belief, but it is something that you must act upon. If we are commited to Christ shouldn't we have the responsibility to act upon our own beliefs? If a person believes he is a Christian but goes and abuses another person, where is the religion? where is the belief? If you believe in something you have to act on it.

After lounging around the beach, taking in the beauty and lounging we made our final stop at a bay near the beach where we were all annointed. I've never had the opportunity to experience being annointed but God was working through us all that day and we could definately feel his presence as Pastor Williams dipped his finger into an urn of olive oil and blessed us through prayer. He gave us a task. We had to quietly talk to God by ourselves and ask Him for two things. Two things that we want Him to change and work through us; one we were to say out loud and the other to keep to ourselves just between us as our Father. The one I spoke out loud was that I asked God for more faith, just to show me His will for my life and put forth the opportunities that He wants me to embrace. And well the other... We will just have to see ;)

The day came to a close as we finished our worship and made the two hour trek home. We made a few stops on the way back, one stop we went to a market that was full of packaged foods and open air foods. The smell of Durian and fish and unpleasant aromas took stake at the base of my nose. It was aweful.. but soon we left and Pemam got some Durian chips. They tasted just like potatoe chips with a little hint of sweetness. Now that is the type of Durian that I can handle. Salty and not stinky.

We finally got home at 8:30 in the evening and I was exhausted and sunburned and ready for some sleep. Unfortunately my night was just getting started since Mike and I were summoned to sing for church that Saturday. But all in all the day was totally worth it and what a blessing the beach and fellowship was to me.

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