Thursday, April 16, 2009

Peaceful? Maybe not..

As most of you may have heard Thailand has been undergoing various protesting breakouts. The first big outlash began in December which resulted with the "yellow shirts" called the PAD taking over the airports in "hopes" to overthrow the Prime Minister and take him out of office. Some violence came out of these protests and thousands of people were out of jobs and Thailand took a huge toll in their economy by losing millions of Baht (Thai's currency) from the loss of tourists wanting to even travel during one of the busiest times of the year. There were two groups involved in these protests; the PAD (yellow shirts) who were for the king and then the "red shirts" who were with the government. Anyone seen with either of these colors were cautioned and foreigners were told to not go out in no larger than 5 in a group.

So this caused alot of unrest with the tourists, foreigners and even locals who were shocked to here about the various violence and lock downs they caused. The biggest unfortunate was the fact that many of the protestors were only involved becuase they were paid to do so...

As you may have heard here in the past week and before the Songkran holiday (April 13-15) more protesting has lashed out. I was near Kausan Road which is one of the most famous tourist places to visit. It is known as "backpackers alley" which is right in the middle of Bangkok and near alot of the Goverment buildings. On Thursday, April 9 I was with Ashley Angelo and her mom taking a quick trip to do some last minute shopping before their departure the next morning. As the sun began to set, we went to find a local tuk tuk to see if we could possibly catch a temple before we headed off. As we began to talk to the tuk tuk guide, he almost laughed in our faces their at the entrance of Kausan when we told him where we wanted to go? He pointed down the street, and to our surprise we saw tons of red shirted people creating baracades across one of the major highways, and the way we needed to go to get home?? So... We decided to not take the tuk tuk guides suggestion of one wayaround them but yet instead made our way towards the red crowd.

After hearing my students talk about these various protestors I was getting a little nervous. They are always telling me to be careful and watch where I am going as to not get right in the middle of these people. And yet we went right towards them.. It was actually ok at first. They had a few people sitting in the middle of the road with some policemen observing. Pheeew! I felt a little better with these policemen around. Then as we continued to walk down I was noticing that.... "We are the only white people here...?!" and that everyone around us was wearing red. And all I could hear was the shouting of some protesting leader yelling to the hundreds.. yeah HUNDREDS! of red shirted protestors below him.. Ok yeah it was time to get out of there! As we continued around the paved circle we saw a barracade and a line of policemen dressed in black with helmets in a line right outside of these metal fences. We were bookin it trying to get out of crowd and getting nervous of who know what was being and said and what was going on. However the police just smiled and kind of gave a little chuckle as we flew by...

This past week has seen the worst of these Red shirt protestors; which they are for the government and wanting a former Prime Minister back in to office named Taksin. I am glad to say that I was out of the city when all of this unfortunate violence took place. Apparently there was talk of protestors violating some schools and even taking over Prakanong exit which is right down the road from where I live. Much violence was taken place out of these protestings and foreigners here in Bangkok was on "Red alert" and advised to stay in their hotels.

There has been alot of hype and craziness going on in the news. Most pictures and stories are more graphic then what it really is. Bangkok is a very big city and "thank the Lord" we are all safe and sound, no harm was in our way. Let's just keep praying for Thailand and even for everyone living in these times. It is coming to an end faster than we think and can even comprehend. If you haven't committed to God now.. NOW is the time. He is the Truth the Life and Way. You cannot live and do without HIM.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Ok so you know it's hot when...

It is the season of heat! Thailand has exactly three seasons... Hot, hotter, then REALLY hot! The thing that makes this country so unbearable during this time is the high percentage of humidity. I really don't remember what it feels like to NOT sweat during any given day. And what makes it worse is the fact that we aren't even in the hottest part of it! During the months of March and April it becomes the hottest parts of the year getting close to over 40 degress Celcius!

So you know it's hot when:

You start to get used to the perspiration on your upper lip.
You strip and lay still but the feeling of heat is still upon you.
Just when you think you start to feel cool you realize thats the sweat cooling from the wind.
Once you get into the air-con you freeze, but without it you burn up.
When the fan no longer does justice.
When the air-con no longer does justice, but that 10 minute bliss that it is on.
You wake up in the middle of the night with night sweats.
When you have to go to sleep with a cool towel from the freezer on your forehead.
When you get into the shower to cool off but as soon as you get out the sweat begins to form again.
When your deoderant lasts but 30 mintutes.
When your walking only 5 minutes to school and you melt.
Your only destination is "Point A aircon- Point B aircon".
You dread to go back to your apartment thinking that its not going to be too bad but yet not prove yourself wrong by walking into a sauna.
When your drink condensates all its coolness in 1 minute.
When you have to sip your popsicle off the stick becuase its melting so fast.
You know its too hot when 80 degrees feels somewhat comfortable...

Ah good ole Thailand hot, humid, sunny.

Friday, January 9, 2009

What have I been up to?!

*Merry Christmas*

My holidays here in Bangkok have of course been nothing short of amazing! I got to spend my Christmas with my lovely friends Erin and Leah where we first began our days off in the wonderful outdoors!
We began in Kanchanaburi and spent about 4 days taking in the sights of the mountains and the river. The city of Kanchanaburi is a small town just waiting for foreigners to take advantage of all it has to offer. There are many types of restaurants but one in particular was an amazing Indian restaurant where our tastebuds got a break from the norm of Thai food. Since we wanted to be able to see everything we decided to rent some motor bikes! However it didn't take long to decide that motor bikes should be left to the pros, so we rented bicycles.
Our first day began with the Tiger Temple! It was like a canyon where about 10 tigers were sitting for the eager visitors to take some snapshots by. We got to walk with the Tigers as they lead them each to their cages, but watch out! Becuase the male tiger was marking the road as he was slowly led to his destination. Next, we got to do a little shopping and walked across the famous River Kwai bridge. Then our last day we did a little hiking. I was very excited to finally get out in the open air and some exercise at the Erawan Waterfalls. These waterfalls has seven tiers where you are able to hike to the very top. I have never seen water so blue! The water was crystal clear letting you able to see the very bottom of each water hole. We stopped a few times to take a dip after the long hot climb. The monkeys and fish is what you had to watch out for, however?! Monkeys were literally 5 feet away from the visitors! And we were told to watch out due to their "quick hands". What they would do with your camera is beyond me?! Then the fish enjoyed nipping at your feet in the water, I couldnt help but scream everytime they poked me!
My Christmas was spent at the Pratunam shopping malls and markets. Where Ash, Leah, Erin, Amanda and I got to do a little Christmas shopping for ourselves. Then we went to CentralWorld mall to watch the new movie Australia. Our day was completed by going out to eat at the famous Hard Rock Cafe.

*Happy New Year*

I am blessed to have such great friends! Ash and I both spent New Years eve in the airport where we were anxiously waiting for Rebecca! So we brought a New Year's greeting to her the second she walked out of the gate. We made a huge sign out of cardboard, just in case she wouldn't recognize us?! Then we had and embarrassing costume of "Happy New Year" headbands and flashy garland around our neck. People in the airport were curious as to who we were waiting for. We got many funny looks...
After getting about 4 hours of sleep the night before, we left to catch a bus to complete our New Year celebration. We went to the Eastern coast of Thailand to a small island called Koh Samed. We spent the short 3 days lying on the beach, swimming in the cool blue salt water, taking in the scenery and just enjoying the time to catch up with one another. Since we left the island we have been very busy going around to show Rebecca the great sights of Bangkok.

Currently I am back in school and slowly getting back in the groove of things. With only three months and three weeks left I am slowly realizing my time here is coming to a close. My New Year resolution is to enjoy life to the fullest and live every day to God's Will. I pray for patience and perseverence to get me through the rest of the days.