Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Ignorance is Bliss?

Being a missionary has its definite perks. Besides the fact that you are typically surrounded by new atmospheres you will go through a journey like one you have never experienced before. At times, I will think of what I might be doing if I was back in the states and attending school. Then I think about everything that I would be missing if I had not come here to Thailand. All over the world people are moving and doing things that you would never have any clue about until you have finally gotten yourself out there and see it for yourself. So is my title statement correct? Is being one side minded and just staying in one spot because we are comfortable really bliss?

Today I was able to go with Teacher Cherry to a nearby kindergarden school. The children who attend there is so full of life and curious about the new "white" person that they have never seen before. They step all over themselves just trying to get closer to talk to you. Each one is desperately wanting to seek your approval. I read a story to the three classes that we taught for the morning. Having about 20 pairs of eyes watching your every move was a little nerve racking, but every little ear was listening intently as I read each word.

Singing songs with the children brought me back to the times when I worked at a summer camp. Children are so energetic! Its not like I needed to go half way across the world to figure that out, but they yell out the songs at the top of there lungs not having a care in the world of who is listening or even if they will be told to be quiet. These kids have joy whenever you looked into their faces.

We began to pass out pieces of homework paper and trying to help them I get bombarded with questions in Thai. I just kept smiling and nodding my head pretending I knew what they were trying to tell me. I understood most of what they said just by pointing and their body language. Each child was trying to show me if their work was good. They would sit and write the letter "V" and then instantly show me "Teacher teacher!" then I replied "Chai Chai" which is yes. There is a difference in the way children are taught here. I was always taught with encouragement and in my own time. Well not here in Thailand. One of the teachers went around and was erasing the kids work then forcefully taking their pencil with their hand in hers and making them write while throwing the pencil down when she was done. Their work has to be perfect in their eyes. I also saw another teacher "spank" more like a hit a child to get them to straighten up.

The saying "ignorance in bliss" can be a positive to one while having a negative effect on another. While children are ignorant is it bliss when they don't know what they are doing wrong but yet being hit and forced to complete something they are just learning? Is ignorance bliss when you have not been able to experience a different culture? Get out there! God has a meaning in your life and wants to show you the bliss! The blissful experience of seeing a child's face that will brighten your whole day and outlook on life. Today I experienced the bliss of being a child and going back to a time when nothing matters and everything is ok


leah said...

i'm so glad you got to go the kindergarten!! aren't just adorable!!

leah said...

I'm so glad you got to visit the kindergarten!! aren't they just so adorable!!