Friday, October 24, 2008

Chiang Mai Adventure: Part 1

Our journey began last Friday night about 9pm, our train from Bangkok to Chiang Mai was due to leave at 10pm. Mike, Ashley, Tatiana, and I were sitting right in the middle of the crowds waiting anxiously for the call of our train. The hour seemed to go by slowly as the heat of outside was pouring in and every second waiting was like an hour dragging on forever in the heat of the night. Our final boarding call was made and we got into the train looking for the seats that we were about to park on for the next 15 hours. Surprisingly the train is very comfortable and it was nice to be able to stretch out and sleep for the night. The train is very comfortable with the rocking of the cars that act as a cradle rocking a baby to sleep. So I just plugged in my ear plugs, placed a bandana accross my eyes and fell into a nice sleep.... Until I woke a few hours later.... And then a few hours later awoke again... I didn't get much sleep because my window kept falling down and the smells of the bathroom that was right next to us and the exhaust from outisde kept creeping in through the window and up my nose. I awoke in the morning to many insects in my bed that had come in through the night. And then it was pointed out to us on a flyer "Attention foreigners keep windows rolled up when sleeping." Ugh! A little too late...

As we stopped at a station along the way I was just sitting and looking out the window and feeling like I needed a shower at this point. The word grungy was across all of our minds, but I just decided to embrace it. Next thing I know a cute little old man came up my window and asked in his short broken English where I was from. I replied "America!?" And he gave me the nicest little smile he could and said "you are very beautiful. Americans are beautiful." I was surprised and just got a warm heart and thought that that little old man just made my day even through the traveling grimyness of the train.

After getting off the long ride and finally making it into Chiang Mai my anxiety of the trip was tingling through my whole body! I was so excited when we finally made it to our home for the next five days. The pastor of the SDA church had lent his house to the 6 of us for the week. We were reacquainted with our friends who moved to Ubon Erin and Leah and from then on the week was filled with nonstop laughter.

Chiang Mai is much different that Bangkok. First it is surrounded by glorious mountains and lush green trees and plants that make the air smell fresh. The city is smaller and caters to many "farrangs" that come to its dwelling. It has a huge variety of western restaurants and many coffee and food vendors that will meet any craving and meet what your taste buds are wanting.
On Sunday we went to the Doi Suithep Temple which is described as the "temple in the sky." We had to travel up a steep mountain to get to it, then once we got there we had to travel up the couple hundred steps to get to see this famous temple of Chiang Mai. Unfortunately for "farrangs" we had to pay to see this place but in the end it was completely worth it. The view from the top was so beautiful as you look over the edge and onto the majestic scenery. To walk into the main temple one has to wear long pants to go in. Unfortunately I did not remember this nor get the memo so I got to dress up in a Thai skirt (rented for 10 baht) just to see the comotion. Inside there were many gold Buddhas waiting for the people to adorn them with incense, candles and flowers. As I peeked inside one of the temples there was a monk flicking water on the bowing people below and speaking in an unidentifyable language. Then after the prayer of some sort he would strap a white string onto the followers and then they went on there way. After inquiring what these people were all waiting in line for I found out that the monk was blessing them with a lifetime of luck and that you keep the white string band on your arm until it falls off. It was amazing and humbling to see the dedication and the devotion of the people. Every follower has such respect for what they have to do and are very diligent in their ways. It was interesting to see the devotion first hand. It makes me wonder how and if in Christianity we show our diligence to our God? Publicly? Everyday? Something to ponder...

The day was getting hotter and hotter so we made our way back to the city to get ready for the Sunday market shopping! Chiang Mai's Sunday market is filled with all walks of life. People from every different country thousands of handicrafts and of all styles made from all over Thailand. Foods that you have never seen before or experienced all in front of you. The colors and lights blind you and you don't even know where to begin as with every minute the streets are becoming more crowded. It seemed to go on for a couple miles with the many street alleys filled with all te excitement. I am getting pretty good at haggling and batering with the locals. I am able to identify if it is a good sale and then tell them "Mai!?" when it is too expensive. I bat my eyes a little bit and use my gentle charm to soften the expense. The others laugh at me and say that I am so gentle and sweet when I ask. But I just use my incredible wit and charm and ask and tell them how it is in confidence hoping they will buy it?!

We finally made our way back to our beds and awaited until our next adventure that was to begin at 6:45am the next morning...

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