Friday, October 24, 2008

Chiang Mai Adventure: Part 2

As I wipe the sleepy from my eyes I get an adrenaline rush as Leah comes in to wake everyone up. It was Monday and that meant ZIPLINING!! Although it was my idea to go in the first place I was scared to death of what was waiting for us in the jungle. After all I am so afraid of heights. I knew this was going to be an interesting day...

The trip up the mountain and to our final destination was not a fun ride. The driver seemed to squeal the tires after every turn going up the steep incline and around the narrow road that is supposedly used for two lanes. The scary part was the fact of the driver laying on his horn going around every turn to let oncoming traffic know that there was someone coming?! As we kept getting higher and higher into the thick lush green I knew that we were going to be smack dab in the middle of Chiang Mai's jungle! I wasn't sure how I was going to react to the first swing of the cables and the anticipation and anxiety was killing me as I waited for my turn to finally get all the necessary gear on that was going to be my only safe guard as we are swinging hundreds of feet in the air from tree to tree.

"Ok just sit and keep your legs up." "What?!" "No, No Im not ready!" My heart was pounding as the guide was about to let go of me on the first cable run. I blinked and off I went! Screaming of course as if that will help me from the beginning of the run all the way to the end. "Whew!" I made it through my first run and only 17 more to go?! We had about 9 people in our group that we had a blast laughing at each other going crazy as the excitement was building after each run. The view from these treetops are so indescrible! You are just amongst the most beautiful trees and lush plants you have ever seen. You get this rush everytime the guide lets go of your harness and then you are "flying" from tree to tree with this freedom of height and nothing to stop you.

The worst part of the tour was when we were desceded and dropped from an upper level tree post to a lower level. It was so thrilling as our guide Sam would play with us and drop you really quick then hold it so you come to a quick stop in the middle of the air?! I quickly got over my fear of heights and began to enjoy the excitement of the ride! On our last cable run I looked ahead and saw the frightful sight of the end. The tallest tree I have ever seen was at the end and the only way down was to be dropped hundreds of feet to the bottom. I was so nervous. I thought by this point I would have defeated my phobia of heights. So like a pro I forgot about my fear and in an instant I sat and was lifted off the platform and was descended to the bottom. "Was that it?" It was over in a flash. I wanted to do it again!
The day was cool being high in the mountains. And afterwards we were fed a delicious lunch and then made our way to the final destination of a waterfall. It was a beautiful sight! The falls were on the side of a mountain and seemed to go on for miles! We hiked all the way to the top of this rushing flow of water. The climb was steep and wet, trying to be careful of every step. But we were all determined to make it to the top! Totally worth it! Thailands landscape and beauty never seems to disappoint.

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