Monday, October 6, 2008

What's Up in Bangkok

So there are exactly two seasons here... Rainy season and hot season. We are definately in the rainy season. Everyday it seems to begin pouring right in the late afternoon and then in the early evening through the night. A few nights ago I was awakened from my REM cycle from a flash of light then followed by what Ashley and I describe the thunder as Satan's crack of a whip! It is indescribable on how intense the storms are. When you see a bright flash of light you know to run to safety and plug your ears from the immense crack that will make you deaf for the quick moment it happens.
Teaching is becoming a more easier process to handle. Everyday it seems that there is some quick change in schedule and that you will have a new student or a new class that you have to just smile and move on. That's Thai time for you. Anything goes at pretty much anytime without any warning. It was about a week and a half ago that Thursday at noon I got the news that "hey you have to go out of the country like now!" Apparently we were going to become illegal aliens on the Sunday if we did not go to renew our visa. So Ashley and I were told to leave at 430 in the morning to make our day journey to the "no man's land" between Cambodia and Thailand. To say the least, it was a very long day and it ended with a 12 hour sleep beginning at 7 pm that night.

I have truly have come to enjoy Karaoke! It's the new thing to do!
It is one of my favorite things to to here in Thailand. And just to clue you in, Thursday night is the new Saturday night! Just FYI... Thursday night is the main night that we all go out and do something special to end the week. Since we all have class on Sunday, it makes it hard to go out and enjoy the evening.
On Sunday I have two classes: one at 9-11 and then a class from 11-1. I am always a little apprehensive when it comes to Sunday. First I have to put on my "A" game to entertain the 7 young students for two hours where I am fighting for their attention and feedback. Then there's my Adult Bible class. Honestly, I have pray to God everyday before that class that He will just speak through me. It is a challenging class to get points across to the adults because they are all learning English at comepletely different levels. I have one student who is very good and she has to translate to the other 3-4 students of what I am trying to say. Its also a challenge when I am trying to teach them a little English as well as trying to explain God to Buddhists. I mean where do you even begin?!

This past Sunday, God was really working. We first just began with a comment that a person from the US was coming to Thailand to tell about a dream or vision that he had about Ellen White and then from there the conversation just blossomed. There were tears, laughter, and excited faces. One of the ladies who hadn't really said much before just completely opened up to me and the rest of the class. God is really working through her because she is asking alot of questions and wants to just find some peace in her life. I was able to share a little of my testimony and began to explain why things happen the way they do and what to do about it. I showed them two promises in the Bible: Philippians 4:13 and Romans 15:13. The time went by so fast! It seemed that we could have sat and talked and shared all through the night. But after the bell rang I prayed with them and told them to "Let go and Let God" to take a deep breath and continue their day. I could see the appreciation on their faces and burdens lifted off some as they were leaving my classroom.

Then my two students invited me over for lunch that afternoon. So I gathered my things and got Ashley and we went to my student Arriya with my other student Thaew to eat some homemade Khao Pat Gai (Fried Rice with Chicken). It was so nice to have some home cooked food. Then after talking for awhile and watching a short movie. We decided we were ready to do some shopping!

Markets in Bangkok are another indescribable experiences that you just have to be here to believe it. miles and miles of vendors and thousands of people gather and come together onto one street to sell their goods and to find good deals. There are always many Ferrangs (foreigners) that come to the Patunam markets and malls. Being clausterphobic is not an option as you walk through the lines of tents or aisles in the mall with other people pushing their way around you if you happen to stop. Soon you just get in a flow of crowds and you dare not stop or begin to linger and slow down or else you will be trampled by the many shoppers that are wondering why aren't moving. There are so many things to see and by running from clothing, to luggage, and many many accessories! I was in heaven! And was able to buy some good deals!

After the whole afternoon and evening of shopping we were all hot, hungry and running ragged by the end of the excursion. So all five of us hopped in a taxi and made our way back to Soi 37 which is our home street and grab some food at 7/11 then get ready for a good night's sleep.

1 comment:

Mindy J said...

hey stephanie girl i love you so much and miss you i cant take it being so far from you. i love your blog its great. Hey you never gave me the other guy in india email so i can see where he is.